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Spring Cleaning

In changing over to my laptop from my desktop computer, I am also forcing myself to tackle the piles of paper that were surrounding my monitor so I can dust my desk surface. I can actually make out geologic layers, and I estimate that the core (desk surface) last saw daylight in October. My file-pile on top of the file cabinet is waiting to be put away, as well as the permanent contents of a stack of file shelves, which I understand are meant to be empty at least some of the time.

People ask me what I do all day now that Christmas is over and Spring has not yet sprung. Special orders. Teaching. Projects. Dusting. Paperwork. Lunching. Organizing. Bettering. Purchasing supplies. Reading magazines & catalogs. Looking at all those websites that I bookmarked in the fall when didn’t have time to look. Getting my lampworking studio set up. Absorbing the vast amount of knowledge on the WetCanvas glass art forum. Moving files from one computer to the other while learning all at once to use a laptop keyboard, Windows XP, and Office 2003. Previously I was well-aquainted with Windows 98 and Office 97, but I realize that change is good and useful, so now I’m retraining myself. One thing I already miss about my old keyboard is the number pad over to the right. I could enter my credit card number in about 3 seconds without looking (not always a good thing), but now I either have to hunt & peck with the numbers at the top of my laptop keyboard or the alternate-function keys where the numbers share buttons with the letters and are therefore staggered from row to row.

Talk about rambling… I’m going to stop now and tackle the impending avalanche on top of the file cabinet.