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Football Fever

Steve and I are excited about the upcoming football season. His Bills even won their televised pre-season opener on Friday night. We won’t be getting NFL Sunday Ticket this year because we don’t have DirecTV any more (another rant for another time), so we’ll just be seeing the Bills during highlight reels.

Next week we’re having a live fantasy football draft with some friends. My team is the Deadskins, and it is my dream to kick the butts of all the boys who actually care how their fantasy team is doing.

We’re looking forward to seeing JoPa & Co on Saturdays (on TV, as their home games are already sold out this year). We may take in some local college football instead, but I’m sure it won’t be as awesome as being in Beaver Stadium on gameday.

There are a couple kids on our street who play for the high school team. I’m looking forward to cheering for them and watching Ross Matheney, who has already broken records set by the only person from our school to make it to the NFL. And I think Ross still has two seasons left to play.