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My husband, Steve, arrived home last night from a week-long conference in Geneva. It was so great to see him again. He is in sales, but normally doesn’t have to travel, so when he does it’s kinda hard on both of us. But, he brought me Swiss chocolate. Lots of it. In flavors like Creme Brulee and Truffle…

I normally have the house to myself during the day, but I got more accomplished than normal while he was gone. It probably had something to do with cooler temperatures in my studio over the weekend, which of course was followed by intense heat and humidity this week, so I worked at night. (Got the estimates on an A/C unit, still waiting for installation). I’m trying to get ready for my studio open house on September 24. If you’d like more information, please email me — anne at annemade-jewelry dot com.

In other news, I recently found out I’m going to be an aunt! My brother’s wife, Jen, is due in April. Congratulations and thanks for relieving the pressure to bear grandchilren for our parents!

1 thought on “Reunion

  1. Hey sis, thanks for the link.
    I’ll bet that chocolate is better than anything we can get here.
    ummm, chocolate sounds good right now.

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